Agence Maritime De Fare Ute

  • 碼頭、維修、港口、商店、遊艇服務
  • Motu Uta Papeete - Tahiti

欢迎 Agence Maritime De Fare Ute

成立于1985年,Agence Maritime de Fare Ute / Tahiti Yacht Agents为所有类型的船只提供支持,从游轮和军舰到游艇和小船。

Tahiti Tourisme is not affiliated with any Stakeholder and its collaboration with any Stakeholder does not create any agency, partnership or joint venture between Tahiti Tourisme and the respective Stakeholder. Tahiti Tourisme is not responsible or liable for any damages, costs, or expenses resulting from any Stakeholder’s breach of agreements, torts or other misconduct or violation of laws by any Stakeholder, nor for any unauthorized representations made by such Stakeholder.

Tahiti Tourisme hereby disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy or inoffensiveness of the content or information that is contained and/or provided by any third-Party Sites.

For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions of use.